Monday, April 29, 2013

10 Types of Food for Healthy Teeth

Recent dental troubles have gotten me thinking about what I could have been doing more to help out my teeth and gums over the past few years. The obvious things come to mind first, brushing flossing mouthwash, regular dentist cleanings, etc. But I wanted to find out beyond that what I could have done and be doing from this point on. Since food is my primary focus right now with the spring planting season coming I wanted to know more about what types of food would be good for my teeth.

It turns out that there are around 10 foods and food types that are agreed on by the scientific community as to being healthy for teeth.

    Green Tea

    A common type of tea which contains polyphenols a antioxidant that helps reduce the amount of plaque that will adhere to teeth. The lower amounts of plaque reduces chances of cavities and gum disease which helps us get a thumbs up from the dentist on our next visit.

    Milk and Yogurt

    These types of foods have low acidity which reduces the gradual wear on teeth called dental erosion. Also rather obviously these products contain much of our daily calcium intake which is a major part of our bones and our teeth.


    With cheeses high amounts of calcium and phosphates they are able to replenish calcium in our system and  they help balance the mouths pH which reduces dental erosion. Other beneficial aspect of cheese is that it kills the bacteria that are responsible for cavities.

    Many different types of fruits contain large amounts of Vitamin C which is considers the glue that keeps cells together. Research has shown that people that don’t get enough Vitamin C will cause the collagen network in your gums to break down which makes them more susceptible to bacteria and infection.


    Vegetables are a all around good thing for us and most of us me included don't get enough of them. But for the purposes of dental health you want veggies full of Vitamin A like carrots, pumpkins and broccoli. Not only do the nutrients do the teeth some good but the crunchy nature of these veggies help your mouth up.

Now that were done with the general foodstuffs it is time to look at some of the specifics of good food for your teeth food.


    Though this one won't make you any friends if it lingers on your breath the humble onion does quite a bit for our teeth. The onion is rich in anti bacterial sulfur compounds that will clean out that lovely tooth rotting bacteria right on out of your mouth. Advocates of the onion say that if you can stand the stink to eat them raw for the best effects.


    Eating raw celery produces a gum massaging action that anyone familiar with celery will know what I'm talking about. If raw celery is a little much for you add a little peanut butter for dipping will go along way.

    Sesame seeds

    Are great in rolls and breads have been shown to dissolve plaque and build tooth enamel and also contain a good bit of calcium to help strengthen the jaw bone and teeth.


    Proteins like the ones contained in beef, chicken, eggs and turkey are rich in phosphorus. When phosphorus combines with calcium and Vitamin D it helps to produce our teeth and bones. Getting enough protein will keep your teeth healthy.

    Humble H2O is essential to teeth health in that is rinses away food particles so that saliva can do its jobs and nourish our teeth and repair and hydrate our gums.
    Well there you have it the 10 foods for healthy teeth.  I bet this just makes you want to go right out and buy some carrots and celery doesn't it.  If not a visit around the Internet seeing what happens when you don't take care of your choppers might be in order for you. :)
    Unitl next time

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