Saturday, September 8, 2012

Window Farming

Update 9/27/12

Just a little update on my attempts at using hydroponics.

I have come to the conclusion that right now hydroponics is not something for me.  This is due to several factors including the cost of the setup and when I really started to think about it it really doesn't fit into my plans.  I want to develop a self-sufficient sustainable lifestyle and I don't feel I can do this with hydroponics.  I will not deny that they can produce wonderful healthy food but they are more energy needy than I care to deal with.  Nearly all the systems I was looking at required to use of electricity to keep sufficient water and nutrients flowing over the plant roots.  I do not want to be reliant on electricity for my food production.  It defeats the purpose of what I am  trying to accomplished by getting away from electricity and fossil fuels that support my basic needs.  So the hydroponics are out but I am curious about using those hanging pots for the production of tomatoes and strawberries.  I believe that will be my next step in the attempt to grow some food products indoors during the winter. 

Has anyone else been following he growing movement out there of using hydroponics to grow plants in windows?

I personally found out about 6 months ago but have not been able to try it out for myself until now.  Since I moved out of my old small apartment and am now in a nice big house with a spacious unfinished basement and some west facing windows now the time has come I think to give this a try.

I will start my attempt by following the plans for the most basic setup at Windowfarms.Org.  The 3 plant system will give me a good place to start and will let me practice and improve my technique before I get bigger.  In compliance with my green and sustainable life view I will be doing this with as many recycled materials as I can and will be growing the plants using organic nutrients and the least amount of power I can get away with. 

I like this idea because one I like to grow plants and this will provide a great medium for that.  Two it will get help me eat fresh home grow produce all winter long without having to resort to the grocery store.  Finally it will help clean and purify the air in the house since it could use some cleaning with two cats a puppy and a few people living there. 

I will post updates as they occur and hopefully in the not to distant future I will be eating fresh produce from my personal hydroponics garden.

Until next time my fellow environmentalists.


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