This post is one that I have been looking forward to writing for a long time. I have touched on quite a few subjects on this blog ranging from the trash crisis we have in this country to my last post about invasive plants in our ecosystems. What I want to talk to you today is about food. Not the food you get at the local cafe or what you purchase in a store but something I call Real Food. What is Real Food you might be asking. Real Food is the most nutritious, healthy, sustainably produced food you will ever eat. This food, is food that you have gone on a journey with, food that you have stories with, food you can be proudly and lovingly eat.
As a species Real Food used to be the only food we ate and it meant the difference between whether we were here from one year to the next. This food has seen us at our worst when we are tired, sore and frustrated beyond all belief and it will be there at our best when we triumphantly lift to our lips and enjoy it throughout the year.
Real Food is food that we planted, and raised from the smallest seedling or animal until it reaches the pinnacle of eating perfection. So Real Food is food that you grow yourself, to feed you, your family and any one else who wishes to partake of this food. The food that contains the very sweat and tears you have put into making it.
Think back to another time maybe last week maybe thirty years ago. All of us at one time have enjoyed the pleasure of Real Food. To eat Real Food is part of my strategy to build myself a sustainable, balanced life. When you grow food yourself you take out many of the factors that make modern food so distasteful that I'm surprised food companies haven't tried to outlaw it. You can grow and raised enough food to support you, your family and your neighbors if you wanted to. With today's knowledge and techniques learned over the past millennium through countless trial and error we have reached a point where no one needs to starve, to eat crap that kills us a little bit on the inside every time we take a bite.
I firmly believe that to live sustainable is to take food production out of the hand of faceless remorseless companies and put it back in the hands of you and me. To grow your own food is to be in touch with a planet that is screaming to be heard. It will help everyone to understand where life really comes from. Make no mistake food it life and you can bet that many citizens of this world think that food comes from the grocery story.
Food comes from the earth; food grows from the soil, rain and sun and through food life is passed on to us. Unless we can reacquaint ourselves with this essential fact we will be lost as a species.
So with spring already here for some of us now is the time to act. Place a seed in the ground and grow some food. Reconnect yourself with the seasons and the world and you will understand what it means to truly live on this planet.
This spring I start on a grand experiment with my friends to see if we can provide for ourselves. To see if we can grow Real Food. It will be a journey full of sweat, sore muscles and probably some blood but it is one I must take for my sake if nothing else.
Until next time my fellow environmentalists.
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