I have one question for the world at large and it is one I ask myself on many occasions.
What does it mean to be a young environmentalist?
One conclusion I have come up with so far is that we are not simply a rehashing of the environmental movement of the 60's and 70's. While I do not disregard or simplify their accomplishments the people that are a part of that generation of environmentalists brought us landmark legislation like the Clean Air Act 1963, Endangered Species Act 1973, and Clean Water Act of 1977. They also were instrumental in creating Earth Day on April 22nd 1970 which is today a worldwide enduring celebration of the beauty and fragility of the Earth. These were important accomplishments and I take my hat off to these people but I feel that the momentum of those heydays of environmentalism has been lost.
I believe that to be a young environmentalist today is to want to save the world. For some of us that means you want to simply be a good steward of the land. For others it will mean you want to make broad sweeping changes to the way society operates and it most likely burns you up inside when you can't do anything and you feel helpless. I know that is how I feel right now. I am striving right now to make changes in my life that can have a positive impact on the planet. I can only doing little things at this point in my life. Things such as riding my bike and walking more, growing peppers and chives in my windows, planting a garden in the summer and buying locally grown food.
For my last conclusion about what it means to be a young environmentalist. I believe that to be a young environmentalist today is to be a example and a educator about another way to live. I live in a small town in rural America and despite my natural surroundings it is not the hotbed of environmentalism you might think. Everyone drives big trucks and and never walks, hardly anyone grows there own food and it is usually healthier for you if you don't mention conservation or heaven forbid Climate Change. My point in all this is that from the moment I moved here over a 1 1/2 ago I have lived a different life here than everyone else. I have been noticed for it to. I have become that "biking guy" or that "guy that walks everywhere" and my personal favorite the "guy that gives away fresh garden produce".
Well that's all I have today young environmentalists. I hope there are others out there that feel the way I feel and that your are making some sort of impact in your communities and your lives. I welcome any comments and stories about what you feel it means to be a young environmentalist and any comments about anything really.
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